Match Polls
First RefereeEldar ZULFUGAROVAZESecond RefereeBlaz MARKELJSLO
Venue Information
You can easily reach the venue by using public transportation. The two most convenient means include SKM trains which run regularly from all local directions (leave at Gdańsk Żabianka stop, then take a 10-minute walk down the Subisława and Rybacka streets) and ZTM trams (trams no. 2, 8, 6, 11 – leave at Gospody/Osiedle Wejhera stops, then follow the information boards). In order to get to ERGO ARENA straight from the airport, take the PKM train which has its stop at the airport, then change at Gdańsk Wrzeszcz stop and take the SKM train towards Gdańsk Żabianka. For fans, who are choosing to travel by car, we recommend the so-called Green Route which connects the venue with Grunwaldzka street/Niepodległości avenue – the main Gdańsk-Sopot road. Capacity: 12000
How To Attend
, , Capacity: 12000
ERGO ARENA is one of the biggest and most advanced multifunctional venues in Poland. Located right on the border of Gdańsk and Sopot, ERGO ARENA can gather up to 11100 fans during volleyball and basketball games and, depending on the kind of planned event, can bring together from 5100 up to 15000 people. Starting in 2010, ERGO ARENA has been providing Poland with the highest level of entertainment. Get directions
Plac Dwoch Miast 1 GdanskContacts
Previous Games
19/03/2019 | vs. |
3 - 2 | W | Go to Match Centre |
13/03/2019 | vs. |
2 - 3 | L | Go to Match Centre |
27/02/2019 | vs. |
3 - 0 | W | Go to Match Centre |
- All Time
2Competitions Played
- Competition
8Matches Played
6Matches Won
75%Win %
21Sets Won
779Points Won
51%Attack %
45%Reception %
- Birth Date: 1981
- Birth Place: POLAND
- Height: 206 cm
- Birth Date: 1987
- Birth Place: POLAND
- Height: 205 cm
- Birth Date: 1991
- Birth Place: Nowy Sącz
- Height: 207 cm
- Birth Date: 1989
- Birth Place: Ivanjica
- Height: 191 cm
- Birth Date: 1994
- Birth Place: Berlin
- Height: 192 cm
Recent Results
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The combined total number of points scored by both teams throughout the entire match.
The total length of the match, from the first serve through until the last point has ended.
Total number of people in attendance at the venue – taken at the end of the second set.
The combined total number of successful spikes achieved by both teams throughout the entire match.
An average of the two team service reception percentages from the complete match.
The number of successful point winning blocks of Trefl GDANSK compared to Zenit KAZAN.
Trefl GDANSK number of service aces compared to Zenit KAZAN
Errors leading to points of Trefl GDANSK, next to those from Zenit KAZAN